It's been so great to watch the American women's shirting company
Tradlands grow and evolve over the past year and a half since their launch. From start-up to a now fully-fledged brand, they've just today released their fourth collection, and it's no doubt their best ever.

From their outdoorsy flannel
Arapahoe shirt to their more staid
Northhampton oxford pop-over (a Tomboy Style collab), their newest collection of seven shirts really runs the gamut in the best way. Each shirt is named for a street or place from a famous college town, so you may recognize a few of the shirt names. Made in the U.S.A. by thoughtful human beings and intended to stay in your wardrobe for decades, I can't imagine a better shirt to for going
back to school, whatever "school" might mean to you now.
PS. If anyone wants to check out the rad Back-to-School Style Crate Lizzie created for us: http://bit.ly/tdlstylecrate :)