UNIFORM | Scout / Seattle Drift Jacket

Fall is here and that means one thing to my wardrobe: lightweight jackets. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yesssss! Easily my favorite closet staple and item to stalk online. Speaking of the later, Scout / Seattle, a company I admire hugely, has created one for the books. Their made-in-Seattle unisex Drift Jacket ($324) is made from a single layer of lightweight Japanese cotton. The subtle floral pattern adds a pinch of femininity to the utility of the jacket and I love the look of buttoning the top collar flipped up (below right photo) and I can't think of something this wouldn't go with.

More in the hopper...stay tuned!
Unrelated to this post, but I love your blog. I found it over the summer, and have been gawking at it ever since.