SCENE | Armor Lux Paris
With so much accessibility in the digital age, traveling overseas yields less and less rare finds and country-specific goods. So, when one does happen to find those stores, brands, or trinkets that are hard to get elsewhere, it's an even more satisfying experience. Armor Lux falls somewhere in the middle of that spectrum: there's a really nice edit of Armor Lux available in the U.S. at Westerlind and a few points beyond, but it still feels so specifically French, and not overly known or distributed here. Founded in 1938 and based in Brittany, Armor Lux is a true French heritage brand that is equal parts utility and classic style—the brand even stakes claim as the label of choice for Coco Chanel's Breton shirts. I stopped into one of their stores just a few blocks from the in-bloom Luxenbourg Gardens while in Paris last week and wanted to buy up the entire joint. Beyond being a great staple, there are few items I can think of that are more versatile for traveling than a well-made striped cotton shirt.

Amen! I also like their cuts better than Saint James, they're not as boxy.
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