SITE VISIT | Coryander Friend

There are very few people in this world like Coryander Friend. And I'm not talking the typical, oh this girl is so cool, she's the coolest cool girl ever type of superlative, even though, that is indeed a truth-fact. Yes, more noteworthy than her inherent coolness, is Coryander's impressively honed aesthetic and her professional-grade depth of knowledge of objects and designs. AND! She is one of the friendliest people I've ever encountered—which isn't a trait that always overlaps with crazy-good taste. I should know, I'm a total a-hole. Just kidding. Ish. Like most people with great eclectic taste, it's hard to sum up with a neat phrase. There's definite strokes of Laurel Canyon, Industrial, Bohemian, Japanese, Mid-Century and The Natural World in there, but it's mostly undefinable. Coryander says, "The energy of my taste has always been the same, but the way I express it changes all the time."

Coryander was born and raised in rural Wisconsin and now lives in Laurel Canyon as a set-designer, curator, collector and part-time surfer. When she's not working on a movie or commercial or scouring Brimfield, you can find Coryander's vintage collection at Storefront in downtown Los Angeles. In addition to all of that (and apparently never sleeping?), Coryander's put together a pretty incredible event scheduled for this weekend called Parachute Market.

Parchute Market is a seasonal design fair based around conceptual thought and context. Its first iteration, Psychedelic Summer, is scheduled for this weekend (June 22 & June 23) in downtown Los Angeles with some of the city's most revered curators and collectors showcasing their take on Coryander's concept. Having covered design and interiors for years, I love how Coryander is bringing back conceptual thinking to the overly brand-centric design world. If you have the chance to check it out, I have a feeling it's going to be worth the trip.


Mamavalveeta03 said…
I'm laughing that I picked up on the Wisconsin connection (the dutch shoe with "Summerfest" on the table)before you even mentioned it. Being a Wisconsin girl myself (altho, an ex-pat living in the "non-Hampton" Hamptons, I love finding other women who have lived there and found their way to other places. It always kind of amazes me that they're able to hone their own funky aesthetic in such a "normal" state as Wisconsin! Love the post, Lizzie!
Anonymous said…
WOW. What a space and what a cool chick...makes me want to move to L.A.
Sophie May said…
This girl sounds amazing I want to meet her!! And such an awesome house she has!
love that I found your blog. Coryander joins my "women who dare" club. thanks for fresh material.
Oami said…
Love that quote: "The energy of my taste has always been the same, but the way I express it changes all the time." Plus she apparently did the production design for Beginners! I adore that film, and the look of it totally transported me back to my California childhood.

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