SCENE | Summer in the Suburbs

Photo via Where Is The Cool?.

Every once in a while I find a photo that I wish I had in the Tomboy Style book. This is easily one of them. Makes me wish I had a pair of rollerskates and a striped tank.


Joy said…
Great photograph!!!
Yes please. The one thing I really miss about the suburbs is summer. Being a kid in the 'burbs during summer is about the best thing there is.
evencleveland said…
Looks like you'll just have to do a Vol. 2.

Love those sneaker skates.
whereisthecool said…
Thanks for the link.
I'm a fan.
Gwendolyn said…
Amazing photo!!! :D

Um would you happen to know if tomboys can wear makeup? And if they can, how should it look? :)
Wow, such a great photo. I feel like I can smell that balmy, sweet, muggy, suburb air - the kind that smells like wet dirt and asphalt.
Lizzie said…
@Design Exactly.

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