SCENE | The English Countryside

Photo of model Rosemary Ferguson wearing Marc Jacobs at the Horse Haven Rescue Farm in Buckinghamshire by Liz Collins, scanned from the Spring and Summer issue of The Gentlewoman

Have a great weekend! Hope it feels like Spring, wherever you are.


Tomboy Style was featured in the CNN story Girl, where'd you get that necktie?, in which I say that this whole menswear on women thing isn't a passing trend.

There's been a little back-and-forth on the internets about the relevance and significance of the word tomboy, so I wanted to bring this post from last April back into the fold: Deep Thoughts | Etymology and Word Choice.

Keep up with Tomboy Style elsewhere: INSTAGRAM | FACEBOOK | TWITTER


Joy said…
my favourite spread in this issue of the gentlewoman!
Hannah said…
I love The Gentlewoman and this photo is perfect on this grey grey day
Siobhan said…
I was so happy to see you, your blog, and you book mentioned on CNN since ours is the only blog I follow. You are my Anna Wintour of chic Tomby Style. :)
Siobhan said…
...since "YOURS is the only blog I follow!" :)
Lizzie said…
@Siobhan OURS is fine. :) Thanks, girl!
I just clicked over and read the post "Deep Thoughts". You are a beautiful writer and what you shared has so much value and truth within it. Keep up the good work! As a mother of two girls I am glad your message exists.
Lizzie said…
@TheSentimentalist Thank you.
Unknown said…
We were delighted and honored once again to be a part of a conversation with Lizzie involved.

Your words and writing in the Deep Thoughts Etymology post are so wonderfully crafted and represent so well the aesthetic of your blog and book, and also reflects why we created our own company. It was very nice to read your wonderful post after scrolling through the arguments and banter on the CNN article.

PS So surprised to find out we are the same age! You are so successful and talented for such a young lady!
Great picture, both visually and mentally. Thank you! Heather
Lori said…
Hi Lizzie, I read the CNN article yesterday and I was so inspired. I had never heard of "tomboy style" even being defined as a style, but so much about that article really resonated with me. Growing up, I absolutely loved my menswear style pieces, but I always felt like that style wasn't completely accepted by my other friends who dressed more girly. I have never really owned my style before, but now that I see that it has a name - tomboy style - then I feel like I can own it and be truly comfortable and confident in it. Thank you for sharing this with the world!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
awesome article
adaywithjenn said…
So glad to now know your on instagram, love your blog! you have led me to discover some wonderful people, music, artisans and the style that I hold dear! jenn

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