ICON | Anka-Eve Goldmann

Photos of pioneering female motorcyclist Anka-Eve Goldmann via Senex1347.

"By 1956, she had a new BMW R69, which was the fastest Bavarian flat-twin roadster, topping 100mph with aplomb." —The Vintagent

Thanks to John Pittman for the scoop!


Amielle said…
I've always wanted to learn how to ride a motorcycle. One day, one day, one day.
Very nice, thanks for sharing.
Kathleen said…
She's wearing a gorgeous leather biking suit!
Anonymous said…
My mom used to ride...it was required in those days in order to get your drivers license.
FSK said…
SWEET! nice post :o)
brad - juegos said…
has a wonderful illustration that good images of bicycles
Anonymous said…
Vintageagent has been trying to write a book about Anke Goldmann, but she is reluctant to discuss her life:

sonia sentic said…
Ca me donne presque envie d'avoir une moto !
Unknown said…
very nice pic.. my frnd
current-fashion said…
ooh.that motorcycle is so cool.
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