SCENE | San Clemente, CA. 1990

Me at T-Street Beach, 1990. Music "On The Move" by Kisses.

This is just a little teaser to a book trailer I'm filming tomorrow...stay tuned.

This past Christmas my parents gave my brother and me a terabyte of digitally converted home videos from the time I was born until I was about 13. It is no doubt one of the best gifts I've ever received, like unearthing a time capsule of your own life shot in real time. Just incredible. I have hundreds of hours of hard evidence of my tomboy childhood, some of it though, I can assure you, is best left on the terabyte.

Have a great weekend!

P.S. Vintage Aleeda Wetsuit photos!


Unknown said…
What an incredible gift! I think my sister and I taped over a lot of our childhood videos with silly things, with things like music videos on MTV (once we got cable, and were entranced with it). Those I still have left I guard very closely.
Nomadic D. said…
That is so cute! And yes, what an amazing thoughtful gift!
blue roses said…
your parents are brilliant; a very thoughtful and inspiring gift. i remember being young and spending hours ducking between waves on the beach, riding them like a porpoise, my little girl belly round and my mouth in a perpetual smile, even when i crashed face-first into the sand. such simple pleasure.
Angelica Tynan said…
Friday smile, courtesy you.
Abigail said…
Awesome! A while back, my parents converted our old Super 8 tapes onto a VHS cassette. Do you have any idea if/how videos on a VHS might be converted to what your parents did for you? Would LOVE to get that done for our fam.
p.s. Love your blog!
Lizzie said…
I will report back on the process of how my dad did the conversion in a bit, I'm not exactly sure but I've just emailed him!
put the 20 minute version on there! Where's the brother? Is he a tomgirl?
cpt said…
What a priceless gift!
Lizzie said…
My parents used

which is in the Chicago area, but also accepts internet/mail-in orders.
LaurenCanyon said…
Lovelovelove this. Can't wait to see more. It's inspired me to take more videos of my little 5-yr-old monster, and to buy him a wetsuit!
Abigail said…
thanks for the info, lizzie!
and thanks for this awesome blog!
Abigail said…
thanks for the info, lizzie!
and thanks for this awesome blog!
roberta jane said…
are you from san clemente? i'm from that area and judging from your video we were doing about the same things around the same age in 1990!
Lizzie said…
I'm not from San Clemente, but lived in Tustin for a bit. We used to go to T-Street Beach seemingly every weekend in the summers.

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