NOISE | Louise and the Creeps

Photo of Louise Robey by Stan Shaffer scanned from You Should Have Been With Me: A Photographic Scrapbook by Stan Shaffer.

"It was a new wave band. We were influenced very greatly by glitter-rock and glam-rock. It was the mid-seventies, and we're talking David Bowie, Bryan Perry, The Slates, The Swedes, Gary Glitter, the New York Dolls...So, that's when I wired my parent's and said, 'I don't think I'll be coming back to Canada at any time soon to study at the University. I think I'm going to go to Paris'. And, that was it." —Louise Robey


courtney said…
She is so lovable! And that song is perfect for the open-windows, sunny spring weather we've been having.
Kathy said…
She's best known for the totally kooky song and video "One Night in Bangkok." She has that sexy 80's thing going on.

Then she was in that tv show "Friday the 13th: The Series" which my brother and I loved when we were kids.
Amtraq said…
here dancing is kind of creepy too....
Anonymous said…
It's actually Bryan Ferry not Brian Perry... any fan of glam rock would know that

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