SCENE | Judy Trim's Buick, 1972

Photo of "Nat and the girls with Judy Trim’s Buick" by iconic Australian surf photographer, John Witzig at a surfing contest in Australia in 1972. From left to right: Kim McKenzie, Micha Mueller, Phyllis O’Donell, Nat Young, Judy Trim, Carol Watts and Alison Cheyne.

Great thanks to Jessica for the rec.


Angelica Tynan said…
Everything about this photo is perfect.
JES said…
Love it. And love Nat.
jo said…
Look at these happy, confident women. A modern stylist would find thousands of fault in their looks...but they look stylish in their 70's pants to me. Make me think of how much more women are expected to style ourselves today, it's such a giant pressure.
Groooovayyy. The one woman on the right side looks like demi moore!
A and B said…
love the color blocked flares- she was so ahead of her time!
fashion-share said…
so good!!!!!!!amazing
If anyone knows how to contact the awesome ms judy trim could you let me know at

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