UNIFORM | Blucher Mocs

Photo via L.L. Bean Signature.

Blucher Mocs have been around since the 1930s, ebbing and flowing with footwear trends for nearly 80 years. I wore them in grade school. Did you? Would you wear them now?

Mark McNairy for Bass Blucher mocs ($119); L.L. Bean Signature Eastport Blucher mocs ($69); L.L. Bean original Blucher mocs since 1936 ($69); Mark McNairy for Bass suede Blucher mocs ($129). See also: Quoddy Blucher Mocs.


lelah said…
Most definitely! I had the ankle boot ones, then when I wore those out, the low regular ones. This was in 4th and 5th grade.
Genuine Lustre said…
Yes I did wear them in h.s. and college in the early 80s, and would certainly wear them again. I like that suede variation. Anyone tried the LL bean version lately?
Anonymous said…
I wore Weejuns all through junior high and high school (along with the obligatory band-aids during the break-in period!) At that time, they were $18 a pair.

I've been thinking about getting another pair for fall'11, saw this post and went straight to the Bass site. So cute! I bought 2 pair. Can't wait to get 'em. Buying band-aids today.:)
trip said…
I'm not a female, but I wear blucher mocs. I especially prefer them to boat shoes when the weather gets colder. I've got a pair of the original LL Bean and a pair of the suede LL Bean Signature ones.
notanymore said…
Yes. And I actually just did a rundown of these myself. I have a slightly aged pair of LL Bean Blucher mocs. I am not a fan of the LL Bean signature collection in general.

In case you're interested in my write-up, it can be read here: http://kyotomaiko.blogspot.com/2011/08/rock-blucher-moc.html
Heidi said…
Oh yeah! Had 'em in high school and beginning of college- late 80s high preppy fashion! Considering a pair for fall.
Absolutely, pair them with a cute pair of lace trim ankle socks, a pleated plaid skirt, a peter pan collar shirt and a knit cardigan, with a satchel handbag, and you've preppy outfit already to begin your day.
Bella Rose, you just described my first day of fourth grade outfit. I'm starting to sense the ebb and flow of fashion trends. In 4th grade I wore brown leather, today I think I'd go for the suede.
kat.tales said…
timeless, classic, comfortable shoes. i'm in the market for a new pair. in terms of LL bean vs bass...anyone have a preference?

xoxo to my favorite blog!
craftysunday said…
It made me laugh to see that so many folks have similar memories of these from grade school-- they were totally all the rage in 4th grade!

Did anyone else wear them with the laces tied in funny knots?

Stan from Weston said…
Nostalgia...my son Matthew, attended The Meadowbrook School of Weston (MA). I bought him a pair of these moc type shoes and every boy in the class proceeded to purchase a pair.
Hence these shoes acquired a new name "Fifth Grade Shoes." Soon every boy in the entire school was asking his parents for "Fifth Grade shoes. As the saying goes...you do not have to be in fifth grade to wear and enjoy "Fifth Grade" shoes. Fashion truly is cyclical...the year of my son's fifth grade was 1993!

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