ICON | Peggy Oki

Film stills of Peggy Oki skating in the 1970s from Dogtown and Z-Boys (2002) via screenshot.

"Some of the girls didn’t like the fact that I skated like a guy, so they protested me to the judges and one of the judges said I skated better than some of the guys." —Peggy Oki


Anonymous said…
LOVE Peggy Oki! I was a child of the 70s and she was a great inspiration!
Anonymous said…
Really appreciate your site but "via my iPad" is really a turn off. Unless Apple is giving you a sponsorship, it just seems uninteresting to mention it.
Lizzie said…
"Via my iPad" is to clarify that the images were created by a screen shot and not sourced from the internet. How to properly source photos on the internet is something people are having a real dialogue about today; I'm trying to be as accurate as possible. I'm open to other ideas if you have any.
Lizzie said…
I'm trying out "via screenshot"...
julia wheeler said…
super rad... love this.
Anonymous said…
The top right picture is Shogo Kubo, not Peggy Oki.


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