UNIFORM | Levi's Corduroys

Levi's advertisement from the September 1964 issue of Playboy via Vintage Ads and Stuff.

"Never, under any circumstances, let a girl borrow your White Levi's of Cone Corduroy. If she says she's going to a costume party and wants to go dressed as Huckleberry Finn, turn a deaf ear or lend her an old shirt. But don't part with your Levi's. Girls find long, lean, well-tailored Levi's irresistible. Especially in extra heavyweight corduroy. And if yours happen to be softened with age, so they look and feel like old leather, you're a goner."


CPJY said…
haha, amazing!
i've yet to find a boy whose clothes i can steal (;
Lexie said…
that ad is too funny!
trip said…
That's an interesting ad in that they specifically mention Cone Mills in North Carolina, who still makes denim which is used by a number of premium jeans makers.

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