ICON | Rachel Ward

Photo of actress, director, and screenwriter Rachel Ward off the coast of Newport R.I. by Stan Shaffer scanned from You Should Have Been With Me: A Photographic Scrapbook by Stan Shaffer.

"All anything takes, really, is confidence." —Rachel Ward


I love her curly hair. I wish mine could look like that when I wear it curly.
Tina said…
Would you consider doing a post on Marie Colvin in honor of her passing in Syria? I think she embodied a lot of what this blog is about: smarts, courage, an iron will...Just a thought.
Mariana said…
This is a great picture.
Inés said…
Stunning photo! Love it!

Kathleen said…
I love her casual style and the boom box!
Courtney said…
She does ooze confidence. I love that look in her eyes, lots of clear and determined spirit.
Cupcakewalker said…
Rachel Ward is sexiness personified - what an expression and what a photo. I keep meaning to watch "After Dark, My Sweet."
Jeanne Bleu said…
WOW, after seeing this photo,I investigated further, Rachel Ward looks even better now if that's possible.
ANH Style said…
What a great photo. She exudes confidence.
Scotti said…
Against all Odds! Love, my 80's icon!

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